1U Brushed Aluminium Ventilation Panel, good match for Funktion One amps and crossovers
1U Brushed Aluminium Ventilation Panel, good match for Funktion One amps and crossovers ..
3.268 ₽
AD-CH5 Column Hanger to Half Coupler Adaptor
AD-CH5 Column Hanger to Half Coupler Adaptor ..
AP-M20-L Adjustable Pole (M20 thread to 35mm diameter pole) for pole mounting small to medium sized product above bass - long
AP-M20-L Adjustable Pole (M20 thread to 35mm diameter pole) for pole mounting small to medium sized ..
13.072 ₽
AP-M20-S Adjustable Pole (M20 thread to 35mm diameter pole) for pole mounting small to medium sized product above bass - short
AP-M20-S Adjustable Pole (M20 thread to 35mm diameter pole) for pole mounting small to medium sized ..
13.072 ₽
AZ-AX88 AX88 azmuth mount for stand mounting (requires stand adaptor SA14/3 HD and wide yoke YT-AX88 above)
AZ-AX88 AX88 azmuth mount for stand mounting (requires stand adaptor SA14/3 HD and wide yoke YT-AX88..
13.595 ₽
BR23 Chain Bridle for use with Resolution 2, 2 or 3 wide flybars (2 leg)
BR23 Chain Bridle for use with Resolution 2, 2 or 3 wide flybars (2 leg) ..
23.268 ₽
BR4E2 Chain Bridle to fly 2 wide R4Es, using FB4E2
BR4E2 Chain Bridle to fly 2 wide R4Es, using FB4E2 ..
23.399 ₽
BR53 Chain Bridle for use with FG43 or FG53 flying grids (2 leg)
BR53 Chain Bridle for use with FG43 or FG53 flying grids (2 leg) ..
BR55 Chain Bridle for use with FG55 flying grids (2 leg)
BR55 Chain Bridle for use with FG55 flying grids (2 leg) ..
BR72/3T Chain Bridle for use with the FG72T or FG73T
BR72/3T Chain Bridle for use with the FG72T or FG73T ..
28.758 ₽
CB-AX88 Coupling Bar to fly two AX88s side by side
CB-AX88 Coupling Bar to fly two AX88s side by side ..
48.104 ₽
CH5 Column Hanger
CH5 Column Hanger ..
CH7T Column Hanger for EVO-7T (for use with FG72T and FG73T grids)
CH7T Column Hanger for EVO-7T (for use with FG72T and FG73T grids) ..
61.438 ₽
CLIN5 Clinometer pendulum level guide for FG53, FG43 and FG55
CLIN5 Clinometer pendulum level guide for FG53, FG43 and FG55 ..
COV-R2SH All weather cover for R2SH to prevent UV and rain damage
COV-R2SH All weather cover for R2SH to prevent UV and rain damage ..
26.144 ₽
CP-1.5TT Close Coupling Plate set to wall or ceiling mount R1.5TT
CP-1.5TT Close Coupling Plate set to wall or ceiling mount R1.5TT ..
18.562 ₽
CW55 Counter Weight to enable balanced 4 wide flying on FG55
CW55 Counter Weight to enable balanced 4 wide flying on FG55 ..
DM1 Double Spigot Mount for two R1s (for 35mm diameter pole) recommended to be used with JP1 Rear Joiner
DM1 Double Spigot Mount for two R1s (for 35mm diameter pole) recommended to be used with JP1 Rear Jo..
15.686 ₽
EB(M10)A M10 Eye Bolt for on or off axis lifting - 14mm eye diameter
EB(M10)A M10 Eye Bolt for on or off axis lifting - 14mm eye diameter ..
1.020 ₽
EB(M10)B M10 Eye Bolt for on axis lifting only - 21mm eye diameter
EB(M10)B M10 Eye Bolt for on axis lifting only - 21mm eye diameter ..
1.464 ₽